No matter how you choose to work out, the effort you put in taxes and strains your muscles. To repair them and feel your best, you need protein as a building block for good health.
A healthy, protein-filled snack is ideal after a heavy workout. Luckily, this essential ingredient is easy to include as part of your daily eating regime.
Here are some protein-happy stomach fillers which are easy to source and tasty to eat:
- Fish
Fish is one of the richest sources of protein around. Tuna and salmon are both excellent sources of protein, and have the added advantage of being easy to take with you. Pop a can of tuna or salmon in your bag before you leave in the morning and you’re part of the way to a delicious snack. Serve with some lettuce or on some wholemeal crispbread and you’ll be ready for your next challenge. - Jerky
Another convenient snack when you’re on the go is jerky. This is basically dried meat and is available in many variations (even kangaroo). When it is created, the fat is cut off, leaving the ‘good’ parts. Like a protein bar, you can buy packets of jerky and snack on in between meals. It is an acquired taste for some, while others can’t get enough. - Trail Mix
Trail mix is another ever-popular choice for active people. A handful of this snack gives you a protein hit as well as some natural sugars if there is dried fruit included. Just be careful — nuts and fruit can be high in calories so a small amount at a time is all you need or you may notice your weight loss plateaus. - Peanut Butter and Celery Sticks
It may take you back to the days of primary school birthday parties but peanut butter on a celery stick is a snack for all ages. As well as containing lots of protein, peanuts are also known to be more filling than other nuts so you can keep going for longer. You could also switch the peanut butter for some cream cheese to add variety. - Protein Bars
Protein bars are an easy and obvious way to get a quick protein boost. It may be better, however, to make your own rather than rely on store-bought bars, which tend to contain a lot of sugar and other necessary ingredients. Making your own bars with nuts and fruits is easy to do and there are many simple recipes online which include ingredients like dates, almonds, dark chocolate, peanut butter and even rice bubbles. - Avocado and Chicken
Avocados are believed to be full of healthy fats and nutrients, making them a great snack. When combined a high protein and low-fat meat like chicken, you have the ideal post-workout snack. Turn your avocado and chicken into a delicious, easy salad by mixing in spinach, baby tomatoes and any other salad ingredients you have to hand, or stack it between a couple of slices of rye bread and make a sandwich. - Protein Shakes
Protein shakes are everywhere when it comes to fitness because they are easy, fast and effective. One of their major benefits is they will keep you full for longer. A shake as a snack after a workout or between meals will not only give you your protein boost but keep you satisfied until your next meal time. By adding a scoop of powder to milk, water, juice or whatever your preference may be and pouring into a bottle, you can take your shake with you. Just watch out for the sugar content, particularly in pre-made protein drinks.
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